Monday, September 24, 2007

I changed my story...

A big mistake can save your life...

1. Bob sits in army helicopter awaiting the arrival for battle

2. Joe comes up behind Bob and asks him where his chute is

3. Bob begins to panic as the piolit gives the signal for departure

4. Bob hunts the helicopter down for extra parachutes but can't find any

5. Joe suggests to Bob that they drop their armor to the ground and share a chute

6. They go for it, taking weight off the two of them, they drop the armor to the ground. As they skydive to the ground,the enemy grabs Bob and Joe's guns off their packs, surrounds the two, aims at them, and gives them their last words

7. While Joe begs for mercy, Bob slowly reaches for his pack for protection, pulling out what he thinks is a rope, is really his "forgotten" parachute which opens with such intensity it knocks all the enemies off their feet!

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